BarnstableWatch Buzz - Stuff You Need To Know
Stories of the day about Barnstable, Massachusetts government and its unique Villages through reports, conversations and interviews with newsmakers on local issues that will affect your home, your neighborhood, your village and your community. All volunteer. Seriously underproduced. Hosted by Heather Hunt in Barnstable, MA.
BarnstableWatch Buzz - Stuff You Need To Know
A Massive Zoning Change to Drive Density - Formed Based Zoning 101
Season 1
Episode 2
The Barnstable Planning Department has been working on a huge zoning change for Hyannis with commercial interests for years. It's point? Drive density. In fact, leave density up to real estate developers. And stop caring about how properties are used. And if you listen close, you'll hear staff say it's plan has always been to duplicate it elsewhere. It's called Form Based Zoning. This episode gives you the basics.