BarnstableWatch Buzz - Stuff You Need To Know
Stories of the day about Barnstable, Massachusetts government and its unique Villages through reports, conversations and interviews with newsmakers on local issues that will affect your home, your neighborhood, your village and your community. All volunteer. Seriously underproduced. Hosted by Heather Hunt in Barnstable, MA.
BarnstableWatch Buzz - Stuff You Need To Know
The Local Comprehensive Planning Process - Getting it Right, Right from the Start
Season 1
Episode 4
The Town staff has set out its preferred way to approach the 2021 Local Comprehensive Planning process. That's a plan that will determine what your street, your neighborhood, your village and your community looks like a decade from now. The process affects the plan's content and the end product, so it has to be right. This episode explains what the Town staff wants and what changes to that would help to get it right, right from the start.